
Web and Mail Communicator

A newer release is available from the WaMCom homepage.


This is a snapshot from 2003-03-10. The patch is here

Please obtain the underlying sourcecode from the CVS repository at cvs-mirror.mozilla.org and apply the patch. (I can make a .tar.gz or .zip source archive available on request)

Builds, based on sources from around 2003-03-08 20:00.

List of Fixes in this snapshot

Additional stability / correctness bug fixes merged over from trunk: 177698+195996 194584 158711 191339 190180 146873 183312 191011 175108 94800 194764 193929 182700 195085 183994 134273 195364 72463 173867 192147 183614 183078 191798 193887 129510 185867 192355 190349 162960 196073+99363 195120 195243 192755 195833 194072 161531 196115

You can contact me at => k AT wamcom DOT org <=, but please note that most likely I will not provide support.
Disclaimer: Mozilla is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation